Author Archives: admin

Boost Your Property Value With Landscaping

Landscaping adds from 12 to 28 percent to the value of a home, depending on whom you ask and also what part of the country you live in. Going from “fair” to “excellent” in the look of your landscape can make a twelve to fifteen percent difference in home price, and having a deficient landscape […]

Arbor Day and Tree Planting

As much as Arbor Day is in the news, now is a good time to ask where does this holiday come from, and why. A man named J. Sterling Morton moved from Michigan to Nebraska in the 1800’s and found almost no trees. He missed the trees he was used to, and came up with […]

Consider a Pond in Your Yard

Over time fashions come and go. In the world of pond ownership, the invention of biofalls units and the no-fuss skimmer was a game changer. This allowed ponds to come into vogue. Lovely, natural looking, water gardens have added a whole new landscape dimension to more than a few yards. Ponding has become a relaxing […]

Winter Care for Trees and Shrubs

Winter Care for Trees and Shrubs When the cold winds blow, you may head indoors and forget about your landscape. Although many trees and plants can handle whatever winter brings, some may not be as immune to troubles as you imagine. Here are some things to look out for. Probably the top concern, especially for […]

Winter Gardens

Gardeners and lovers of the outdoors are getting eager for spring. Robins were seen feeding by someone, maple tree sap was dripping somewhere, and the phone has rang with thoughts of spring projects. It won’t be so long now, the day length is already growing a bit. Dark days are all too common, but have […]

Looking Out at the Landscape

Looking Out at the Landscape (From Inside Where It’s Warm) By Max Phelps With the coldest weather of the season upon us, pushing aside the drapes and looking out into the yard sounds more appealing than taking an adventure outdoors. As a child I loved to play in the snow awhile. With the passing of […]

Fencing: More Than Just Making Good Neighbors

Fencing: More Than Just Making Good Neighbors By Max Phelps Famous American poet Robert Frost said in Mending Fences that “good fences make good neighbors” and I would like to begin today’s article from that starting perspective. I’m sure not every reader is shopping for a fence, but it’s a timely subject. Let’s consider some […]